Now, admittedly, this shouldn't have been a discovery. I should have, y'know, noted the central locking controls on my keys and used the damn things. But I tried it for the first and only time, until today, on the day I bought her and it didn't work. Admittedly, that day, neither did the normal locking as the lock barrels had frozen so I've no idea why I expected the central locking to work...but I figured it just didn't and got on with life, enjoying the fact that, although my car "didn't have central locking," the little buttons made the lights flash. This amused me intensely. Today, when removing my PG Tips monkey's "tongue piercing" (a dressmaking pin) in order to check the drainage holes of the blue one when we were stripping her out (which, if you're interested, went very well - no more carpet!), I was playing around with the buttons, pressed one, forgot about it, then tried the door. It opened. Imagine my confusion. So I stepped back, shut the door and pressed the other one. Now the door wouldn't open.
Cue yelps of "my car has central locking!" to Tom and blushing when he asked why I'd not figured this one out before. For someone who's pretty damn intelligent, I can be incredibly stupid at times!
Oh, and just as an update to my original wishlist:
- Headlights have been adjusted, though the right one isn't quite right just yet - think the adjusting screw has been cross-threaded somewhat, so that needs to come out and back in again.
- Wheels have, as noted, been changed.
- Fuel economy is fab on long journeys, as it transpires. As good as, if not better than, my old Astra.
- Mats have cleaned up beautifully. Just need some carpet tape to stop the driver's side one from migrating forwards.
- Central locking has been fitted! Ahem. Ish.
You're an idiot. :p